Hoorah! Do you know when this will be released? Also will VBSEO be supported?
This is a really excellent mod and VBSEO integration would turn it into an incredible mod.
For those of you who are interested, here's what I did to get the glossary partially working with VBSEO:
1. Go to the custom rewrite rules in the VBSEO section of the control panel
2. Add the following code
'^vbglossar\.php$' => 'glossary.html'
'^vbglossar\.php\?do=showcat&catid=1$' => 'category-1.html'
'^vbglossar\.php\?do=showcat&catid=2$' => 'category-2.html'
'^vbglossar\.php\?do=showcat&catid=3$' => 'category-3.html'
Obviously you can replace the ***.html with whatever you like.
I've not figured out how to do this for the individual entries yet though.