Originally Posted by Mosh
Did Xenon give you permission to release an update?
I haven't been able to reach him. I waited, but like everyone else gave up. So, I decided to work on it with others help.
It seems like he was here in April, but he hasn't updated it. I bet he's very busy with work and his life.
Hence, why I did state
"All credit should go to Xenon".
Xenon made the core system, I'm just adding on to it and/or adjusting code to make it work properly.
I agree with GaiLoan, I don't see what the major issue is over? I didn't steal the code and claim it was mine or anything.
This is a hack many people needed/wanted and no one responded. I needed it badly and decided to do something about it.
I didn't disrespect Xenon at all either, I credited him and understand he probably is busy with life. Hence, why he isn't able to put time into updating it. It's understandable.
PS: I am working on the features, so if you have other suggestion post them