Originally Posted by Trana
Can you share what some of them do? I know all the basic ones, just wondering what other sites have done with this.
I'll put together a full list one of these days.. lots of different variations of recent threads and news (to the clients specifications).. same thing with the blogs.. just did a blog on yesterday that looks similar to recent threads with a snippet of the Blog Text under the title (see the Blogs Tab here:
http://www.usafacommunity.com/). I've done a lot of custom recent threads with Thumbnails (which I believe you have).. I've got a few variations of vBa Links Directory stuff, 5 or 6 different Photo Album ones, Just about every CMPS Module I have custom versions of.. lots of stuff for the forum home page like the whos online area tabbed out with some of the more popular addons from Paul and Cyb.. A bunch of different vBookie ones... some sports ones.. the list is pretty extensive lol... I've done so many that I can't remember them all.. those are just ones that involve vbulletin.. I've got a ton that do dynamic external stuff integrated with vB as well..
Won't even go into the simple static HTML files that are beyond easy for anyone to knock out lol