*Mod Request* Detailed Report Post & Infraction
Currently from what I've seen, they are 2 seperate features/functions.
Staff and Members can give infractions, depending on the setting, and Staff / members can report a post, depending on the settings.
My request:
Instead of the current 'Report Post' feature which only allows the member to type a message in the given box, for the reason they see fit...
There could be the text box that it shows, as well as A LIST of reasons from then to select from, if they wish to not type anything in.
This is a quick picture of what I'm talking about:
*Clicks on 'Moderate Message'(or whatever icon shows up) for a message I find offensive*
Moves to a new screen/pop up with this:
Reason for Marking this message:
[] Spamming
[] Bypassing Censors
[] Post Boosting
[] Profile/Sig/Avatar Violation
[] Flaming
[] Trolling
[] **Spoiler** without Warning
[] Offensive Material
[] Other (blank text box shows)
Send Message in for Moderation
The reasons that show, will be the 'Infractions Reasons' the Admin has set. Members won't be able to give infractions points, only mark the message.
- This will allow them to choose what rule it's breaking, instead of having to type something in everytime, and would make it WAY easier for larger forums to handle issues that are sent in.
If possible: To make it so whatever Infractions are created, can also be given to certain Moderators for working.
For example Level 1 Moderator's would handle all Censor bypass and Spaming issues, Level 2 would handle those 2 issues, and then additional issues given.
-I have this system completely finished in my head, so if you think this might work, or somethin you're interested in doing, I can give all details.