Well I have worked for a very big American multinational company with very strong moral culture ( at least advertised like this) and found my self approving a product advertised as with plants extracts (implying the benefits of herbals) but have just traces of herbal extracts (admited internal by the company to have irelevant effect)!
Yes they cover themselfs that adding other ingredients give antiinflamatory efect of the herbal advertised. So they more or less deliver the benefits advertised but lie about it.
And for ... with propolis product they cover just antiinflamatory efect out of many other benefits of real propolis.
This is just a small example from a company in the spot light and with a very strong moral culture.
Note; I quit for a better job not for moral grounds
Imagine guns, ammo, pharmaceutical companies ....
Let me give other imaginative examples:
Imagine you make research in your company for a cure treatment of a chronical disease.
You found both , a cure and a treatment for the simptoms.
Do the math if you release both:
1. Cure. One treatment = patient cured no need to buy more.
2. Treatment for simptoms = patient makes repeted purchase of your product
Shure you launch first the treatment ...
Imagine you make guns ....
Would you promote peace !
I am not saying is valid for all but bigger the company less likely moral grounds to be avoided. Again is not a rule but is likely.
And thumbs up for the founders of Google just open eyes for corporation Google