Yes, I know who it i but it's not like he lives down the street so I can beat some sense into him. He lives several statelines away from me. Man all I know is I ran this virus scanner and it said it removed 3 viruses (2 of which are possible keyloggers) and I changed all my passes and he got right back in less than a day later.
I'm on GoDaddy so I can't imagine he hacked that, my password is impossible to crack at this point without running a brute force for longer than the universe has existed unless you get really lucky. I guess more than anything it's just bugging the hell out of me HOW this guy can do this to me?!?!
Also, sniffing packets is not hard - well it's incredibly easy coming from your network anyway. I don't know too much about connecting to other peoples networks and sniffing from there as I've never needed to, but if all they have to do is set an IP (and he has mine from working at my old hosting company) then it's a cakewalk. Tons and tons of message packets are sent unencrypted, but I'm not sure of any passwords (though I am most likely wrong) that are sent plain text.