Originally Posted by shlomot
Thank you for providing us for such a easy to administer container on user profile.
I would like to use your MOD as a container for applications other than ad display. However, the block title "Profile Sponsor" is not phrased.
Can you phrase it please on your next release? My use of your friendly block will be to set links to member's personality reports as you can see here.
Thanks again and a lot
P.S. I'd really appreciate your advice on how to send a dynamic query parameter from your block with username or userID of the member whose profile is being visited.
I will release an updated version when I get home from work which will have the word "Profile Sponsor" phrased.
With regards to your other query, I would try to use a plugin. If you wish to add me to MSN I will talk with you more about this - also will be available to help.
Originally Posted by bada_bing
Has anyone figured out how to get this to work with vb 3.5.x.. The creator of this mod initially said he would look into this but never got any results.
Thank You...
I asked you to send me account details for your forum so I could develop a solution as I do not have a vBulletin 3.5.X installation set up. I never received any details.
Originally Posted by karlm
Suggestion, if I may...
The ACP option should be for 'excluded groups'.
On my forum, I have some 30 usergroups and I now have to add every group to the ACP except the one single group.
I will attempt to create a replica of this modification but instead of entering usergroups to show the Profile Sponsor block to, I will change it so you excluse groups.
I hope this helps.
Thanks, Paul.