Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
AME stands for Auto Media Embeddding. It's the media embedder you where linked to in the earlier post.
Two points I should make.
vBulletin will let you force a different style for a specific forum in the Admin CP.
This plugin Lynn showed me allows me to change the first post for specfiied forums. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177709
You can see how I used both to create my video pages for Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Abridged Series.
HEHEH, i'm slow, i just got vbulletin like 4 days ago

so i'm still new to this, and tried to ask vbulletin.com but they said something about 3rd party so they cant help at all.

glad you came...
awesome post, is it how vbulletin.org had, i can see the tab forum, style, mod and articles are in differnt wayt of posting and came out different style?
thank you so much for the information.
one more question, is there another way you can add extra posting field, example when you try to post a message we have Title , Desciption and MEssage
what if i want to add somthing like Title, Description, Lyrics, Title 1, title 2 and message? is it posisible?
or Title, description, message1 message 2 message 3.