Originally Posted by fulviods
I just installed this amazing system on my cars forum! My question is not a tecnical question and so i dont know if i can post it here. It s more a "political" question: My mod are afraid by this system, everyone think that there are many risks that the quality of the discussions will go down, and that there will be many people with the main goal of receiveng credits.
If I installed vbcredits, is to give gifts to people who have reach a certain amount of points, and as i wrote, its also my fear that credits will be used in a bad way. I told my mods that we just have to think about the best way to do that, to limit the possibility to loose the quality of the discussions.
So my message is more intended to know your experience, if there are tricks or rules that permit a good management of this product.
Sorry if my english is not perfect  and hope that someone could help me in this way.
You are always going to run that risk. Same risk if you award privileges based on post count.
With vBCredits, you can set it up so that if a post (or thread) gets deleted, it removes any credits previously earned. You can even set it up so that it not only removes that credits earned, but also impose a penalty. For example, if troublemaker posted spam and earned 20 credits and you delete that and impose a 50% penalty. Then they lose 30 credits by getting it deleted. If that happened regularly, people would learn quick not to post spam.
Another thing you can do is not award so much for simply making post, but rather have larger awards for getting your threads replied to. If a topic is not worth discussing, it won't get replies and that person won't earn credits, but if its a good discussion, then they'll earn a lot.
That said, we have not seen that problem at our board since vBCredits got installed. It has been business as usual as far as the quality of posts go.
Good Luck!!