Where in the code do you set your table prefix? Your instructions inside the file lack. Please give better specific instructions so maybe one person can get this to work!
// You may need to change the db_table_prefix if you altered it from default to something else or removed it
$result = mysql_query("SELECT username,title,pagetext,dateline,state,userid,blogtextid
FROM blog_text
WHERE title = ''
AND state = 'visible'
ORDER BY dateline desc
LIMIT 5" ) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
I tried my table prefix in here: WHERE title = '' like WHERE title = '
Nothing I do works and my error remains: Table 'db218080794.blog_text' doesn't exist
My paths seems to be correct and my database info is correct.
Some help please. Unfortunately this is the only mod for blog comments. It says beta but you did set it as supported so please support it!