Originally Posted by skooby
is it possible to have one uploaded file be accessible to everyone? I guess what 'm asking is, can you set one upload to override the default settings?
I have 1 file that I want guests and registered users both to be able to see and download.
LDM has two different permissions systems available - its own, which is category based, and a forum-based mechanism. The first is easier to apply, but the second is more flexible, because it can be applied right down to individual entries.
Do you want to place the special upload in the same category as other entries, or not? If you are happy to have the open entry in its own category, then it's easy - you just give that category different access permissions (ldm/edit category/user group permissions).
Otherwise, you need to use the forums-based permissions system.
These are explained in the wiki - get back to me if it's not clear.