Originally Posted by furst
Another vote for Google Maps. They do provide an embed code.
They do, but that's not all that is required to make a working definition. The most crucial aspect is being able to reference consistent and pertinent data in either the URL or the source page. I've worked on this for quite a while, and for the moment, the problem lies in the fact that the pertinent data is not able to be referenced.
Originally Posted by ski diva
I'll admit it now -- I haven't read back through all the pages and pages of stuff here to find my answer. Hopefully, someone will help me out, anyway.
I have version 1.2.0 of this installed, and I'm running vbulletin 3.7.0. For some reason, it's not running video from putfiles. Can anyone help?
I'll need some examples of the links that aren't converting for you so I can troubleshoot them.