Not entirely true, Digital.
I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I would consider myself an expert at html markup, and vBulletin is by no means "easy" if you take time into consideration. Being a markup nazi myself, I hate vBulletins style with a passion. I don't really think I need to go into reasons why, I'll just say two simple words. Nested Tables.
I have made several tableless vB styles, and every time it kicked my ass. Took WAY too long to go in and redo everything. This is the main reason why I have two owned licenses stored away, that will probably never be used again.
vB should have focused on this style for 3.5. Hell, even 3.0. Semantic markup and css is not a difficult task, IE6 is your only problem, and even then it really isn't THAT bad if you take the precautions before hand.
/me ends rant