Originally Posted by TsirhCitna
The new media vba module drastically slows my page generation.
From: Page generated in 0.35296 seconds with 26 queries [Server Loads: 8.33 8.54 : 10.39]
To: Page generated in 6.83178 seconds with 35 queries [Server Loads: 8.72 8.50 : 10.01]
9 more queries to show 5 links?
As I said, I'm somewhat surprised. I ran a test on a vba page using only the new media module and attach the results. The 2.3.0 code used 10 queries and took 0.24 seconds. The 2.2.9 code used 15 queries and took 0.40 seconds.
Any chance that you were doing something else at the same time?