Making Subscriptions Worth It To Your Users
Hello Everyone,
I have a fairly active board with about 40K members. The whole premise of our site is a Free Information resource.
Well we do have subscriptions people can sign up for to help with alleviating the costs associated with hosting...well I am trying to make a push for new subscriptions and I was wondering what I should allow "Subscribers" to have that makes it worth their while to subscribe??
I know a little tag next to their name always helps (People like recognition) but I really want to encourage all "NEW" Users to sign up for a subscription.. like its almost know make it kind of a pain or make them feel really guilty if they don't... lol... how can I do that?
I am just wondering what you guys are using to encourage subscriptions, what kind of advertising methods...what kind of gimmics etc.. what works and what doesn't?
I have found the most effective is to just state it as a fact and appeal to people's heart rather then intellect... but I want to help their decisions effectively as possible.
So any suggestions, ideas on making subscribers a more valuable option?
Since I don't want to limit content and the majority of the users come there to visit the forums I have set up:
1. Award Icon next to name for being a subscriber
2. Access to VBPlaza to buy and sell items etc..
3. Access to specialized elite forums.
4. I give all subscribers access to new features first on the site.
.... any other ideas???