Originally Posted by PossumX
Any ideas on this? Running 2.5 Beta 2 (upgrading to Beta 3 now)
That looks like an error from the embedded HTML. Since it isnt a default definition, you may need to ask the author of it.
Originally Posted by mykkal
Does 2.5 work with 3.6.8?
Hasnt been tested, but theoretically it should.
Originally Posted by inciarco
Beta 3 has a Problem ( Bug).
When Posting a Message, and Choosing not to Auto-Embed Media, the Mod Auto-Embeds the Media No Matter What Against User's Will.
I've made the same Exercise Using 2.1.5 Beta 3 and 2.0.2 (the one I'm currently Using), and Beta 3 has that Bug and 2.0.2 Does the Job OK.
For Now I'll Stay with 2.0.2, but I liked a lot the New Improvements on Beta 3, so I'll wait for this Bug to be Corrected to Try it Again on my Test Forum.
My Best Regards.

Yup, just confirmed this. I think I know the problem so should have a fix shortly.
Originally Posted by karlm
Not sure whether this has been addressed or not, or maybe it will be in 2.5, but upon 'preview post/thread' - the link is not converted, and if an edit is made to the thread - the conversion is destroyed, leaving only a link to the url of the page instead of the conversion into a playable file.
Huh, I cant reproduce this. Editing works as intended (i.e. works fine) at my end and it even embeds in the preview as intended? Can you help by providing some examples?