Okay... I want to do multi-day events... however, in the thread title, I DONT want times to show up... only days...
So instead of:
[09/15/2008 06:00 PM - 09/16/2008 11:00 PM] yet another test (woot)
I get
[09/15/2008 - 09/16/2008] yet another test (woot)
How would I do this?
* EDIT *
I figured it out... replaced the "// is this a single day event? Only add times if it isn't" section with this. In the add time and date to thread title plugin.
PHP Code:
// is this a single day event? Only add times if it isn't
// 0 = single day
if($lv_vb_eventforums_event['dateline_to'] > 0)
// TO
if(strcmp($fromDate, $toDate) != 0)
$lv_vb_eventforums_datetime .= ' - ';
$lv_vb_eventforums_datetime .= $toDate;