Originally Posted by trigatch4
You need the SQL database for this to work? Do I just point it to my existing SQL database that hosts the VB or do I need to make a new line and/or database separately?
I thought that the 404.php would dynamically parse the old URL and forward to a new URL based on the parsing self contained in the 404.php document. Am I wrong?
The parser fetches the old id for whatever object it references. The object has a new id that it is using in the new vB. ImpEx puts the old id in the object tables with the new id and the program looks them up to do the translation.
If you use the basic approach, you cannot clean up your database and remove the importid's from it. This is generally not a big deal unless you are doing multiple imports.
I just wanted to clean it up by moving the importid's into a separate table.
I also added some other external reference url's that had shown up in the log table. I decided that those url's for attachments, printthread requests, etc. should also be translated appropriately.
I also made the url for items that are not found be a thread on my message board talking about the trap facility.