Douffle was right... the file HAD to have been called... I am sure the errors will stop since the file was deleted from the server. (Uninstalling a product will not remove files from the server manually).
This is my thought process in case you are curious... The plugin queries the database to get all the currently active announcements... each announcements' title being the tab. The message id is passed in the URL... When the tab is clicked on, it calls upon the smnlikquick.php, grabs the message id from the url, queries the database for THAT message, and prints it. Because the error/email was coming from the smnlikquick.php (We know this because the plugin's query is written slightly different.. it has no LIMIT) and HAS a message id (id=3), this means the plugin HAD to have worked correctly (The plugin is what grabs the id numbers from the database)... And YET, the plugin would have been looking for the same table (in the database) that smnlikquick.php was.. which isn't there.. the error says the smnlikquick table does not exist. So how did the plugin query it and get a response? Answer... it didn't... someone intentionally put a three in the address (smnlikquick.php?do=message&id=3)... smnlikquick.php grabbed that three from the URL but couldn't find the proper table. The fix to this would be A.) Get rid of the person deliberately trying to aggravate you or B.) Delete the smnlikquick.php file from the server so that that aggravating person will just get a "Page Not Found" error =0) (I say deliberately, but someone might have stumbled upon the address by accident and bookmarked it or whatever, I dunno)
Note to all, when uninstalling SmnLikQuick.. Follow the install instructions somewhat backwards...
- disable the SmnLikQuick Mod via AdminCP>SmnLikQuick
- Remove Template Edits (See Install File)
- Uninstall Product via AdminCP>Plugins & Products>Manage Products
- Remove SmnLikQuick Files from server.
- Refresh
- Smile =0)
I apologize douffle for all the trouble *blush*... Hopefully this all fixes your problem.. if not, let us know =0)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Always -Bree