Below is a list of mods I have installed, as copied from my admin cp. I don't see any of them that modifies the text within the posts.
Again, I have used these same mods along with VBanonymizer for several months with no problems. Then VBanonymizer stopped working. I upgraded today to VB 3.6.11 PL1 but VBanonymizer still doesn't work:
Archive Adsense 1.0 Adds Adsense banners to the top and bottom of your archive pages.
Ban Thread User 3.6.0 Ban A Particular User From A Thread
Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager 2.4 Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager
Limited Guest Viewing 1.0.5 Limit guests to view a set number of threads before being locked out.
Member Bots 1.0 Places search engine bots into Registered Users group
Mobile Device Force Style 2.1.3b Force Mobile Device Users to Specific Style
Multiple Account Registration Prevention 1.0.2 Using the cookies for AE Detector, this will prevent a user from registering if multiple accounts are detected.
Multiple Login Detector 1.01 Cookie-based multiple account login detector
New Thread Notification 1.02 Instant email notification for new threads posted in a forum.
Prevent bumping old Threads 1.0.1 This Hack prevents Users from bumping old Threads
Prevent Character Abuse In Posts 1.1 This mod prevents multiple characters from being used in posts.
Restrict Seachs by Daniel Bembibre 1.0.1 Restrict search when the server has high load
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 1.0.5 Separate Sticky and Normal Threads
vbAnonymizer 2.8 This product will make all outgoing URL's have no referrer.
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 2.0 Generate a Google & Yahoo Sitemap for your Forums
Webforumz :: Better PM Notification 1.0 Replaces the rather dull javascript alert notification with a classy DHTML notification.