I first got this error when I tried to change my timezone.
Now it says it every time when I go
/usercp.php (it redirects me to
profile.php?do=dst and says:
"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error."
It took an
extremely long time to configure the settings and style template.
(I know, you've heard it before and don't care) but I would really appreciate a logical answer rather than "reinstall and re upload
all files". I'd rather just replace the one causing the problem.
That said, what is the corrupt file that would cause usercp.php to redirect to profile.php?do=dst?
vB 3.7.3
some mods (All disabled)
style: Transparancity (modified)