Yes, that's what I need. vBulletin for Dummies complete with screen shots. Are there any threads like that out and about?
There will be no hidden forums. Do not want guests to be able to post. I read the pros and cons of guests online and we decided against that.
Yes, I read a few threads on starting out small with 10 boards and possibly a few sub boards for FAQs and TOS. I would agree with all that I have read over the past few months on starting out small however I do want the site to be visually appealing to one degree or another and in the right format before it goes up.
We have chosen the basic add-ons. Read that entire board thread by thread. We have identified ten that we feel will be a big help. Not hundreds like other people but ten. Once we figure out what we're doing, we'll most probably add more.
Explain to me exactly what a test site is and are there directions for how one goes about setting up a test site buried at this site somewhere please?