Originally Posted by s810car
In the includes.php theres 2 parts that say "select * from" and "create table"
Those words have to be in CAPITAL letters (ie SELECT * FROM and CREATE TABLE)
when I changed that it worked for me  nice mod!
-- BTW, is there any way for myself to customize the messenger? I would like to integrate my site's style and a few other things maybe, would love to have the ability to do that 
unfortunatly there are no way we can give the EXE source code to change the title of the application or the skin/theme/design , but we make paid modifications to the exe , like removing the copywrite and site link from the bottom of the application , change the theme/skin , put the site/forum name to the title of the application , and remove the @domain.url to link directly to your forum (and link to other forums with the @ sign) .
And capitalization of MySQL queries does not affect if you use a new MySQL service running on the server with apachi and php4 or higher