Originally Posted by Konstantinos
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid'] == $post['memberid'] AND $bbuserinfo['userid'] != $post['userid']">[<a href="profilecomment.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newprofilecomment&u=$post[userid]">$vbphrase[comment_back]</a>]</if>
this will show the comment back only to people viewing their own profile
Personally, I like to have the comment back feature to appear on every profile comment no matter if it's your profile or someone else's. IMO this makes it easier for people to comment to each other, instead of having to visit their profile before commenting to them.
Good job with the coding though. It looks like you use a vbphrase that I don't think comes with the hack though, so you should probably add how to add the phrase for anyone wanting to use your code.
On a different note:
Does anyone know of a vBulletin blog system for 3.6.x that I could add to this hack so that it has the look of the myspace blogs? I want to have the blog entry titles appear in a table in the upper right hand corner of the member profile which link to the actual blog entry page(s).