Originally Posted by Cocko
With vB 3.6.x everything was fine. After Update to 3.7.2
got this error when a user submitted an event.
Therefore I had to deactivate this and farcaster's hack
Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.7.2:
Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM moderation
WHERE type = 'thread'
AND threadid = 6416;
MySQL-Fehler : Unknown column 'threadid' in 'where clause'
Fehler-Nr. : 1054
Fehler-Zeit : Monday, 18.08.2008 @ 12:06:41
Datum : Monday, 18.08.2008 @ 12:06:50
Skript : http://mydomain.com/vb3/calendar.php?do=update&e=
Referrer : http://mydomain.com/vb3/calendar.php?do=add&c=1
IP-Adresse : 87.167.102.***
Benutzername : some_user
Klassenname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL-Version :
I can't be totally sure, as I haven't upgraded yet - but from looking at the new database schema and the upgrade files:
Open product-lv_vb_eventforums_v3_3.xml
Look for line 653 which should read:
PHP Code:
AND threadid = " . intval($lv_vb_eventforums_newpost['threadid']) . "
Change it to:
PHP Code:
AND primaryid = " . intval($lv_vb_eventforums_newpost['threadid']) . "
Find line 1196
PHP Code:
AND threadid = " . intval($threadid) . "
change it to:
PHP Code:
AND primaryid = " . intval($threadid) . "
Find line 2622:
PHP Code:
AND threadid = " . intval($threadinfo['threadid']) . "
change it to:
PHP Code:
AND primaryid = " . intval($threadinfo['threadid']) . "
Then reimport the product (overwrite = yes)
That should solve the DB error you're getting - whether it will fix everything else ... I couldn't say ...