I ran this last night and it worked great. I'm just a bit confused about exactly how this runs. Just a couple of questions:
When I try to run it again today, I just get a message "Bot is running". Does that mean that the bot is constantly checking links?? Or do I need to run it manually every day? If I delete the botruns.txt file manually I can run the program again but then everyone gets pm's again about their links.
When I look in the botruns.txt file it only has a 1 - is that what its supposed to have?
What does the program do with threads it has already checked? Will it check them again each time it is run? I set the forum where the dead ones were being moved to as one of the forums that isn't checked.
I set up a report forum and got a message the first time I ran it, but nothing since then. Is that normal?