Originally Posted by murekhalir
yeah - to be honest all these spammers are chinese from china.
I was GOING to post about this issue right now, but i saw this.
is there effective ways on dealing with spam? I changed all verifications and etc. I even put confirmed email addresses and they still spam (once and a while).
I htink they are manual spam? Oh god, i dont want to see chinese sweat shops of spammage.
No offense.
I'm chinese myself, but american. AND I DONT LIKE THEM ON MY SITE. lol....
Its a pain in the backside when it happens, if you don't really have chinese members (From China) on your board then ban the entire country you can do it from your forums AdminCP or even from your hosting CP.
I've deleted all china and russia from my site from my Cpanel also.
You can get all China IP addresses here
I don't think i'd be popular if i copied them all to this post
Good Luck, with the united fight against the spammers