Originally Posted by King Kovifor
Please contact me through PM with the javascript code and I will work on seeing if it works for YUI and if not will attempt to find a way to fix it for 2.0 as 1.5.x is not currently under development.
Check your inbox, I sent the message.
Originally Posted by bobster65
There is, but its not something that you probably would be interested in .. you can try it tho and see if it works for you... (using the iframe mode)
"an external page can also be fetched and displayed via the IFRAME element instead. This is useful for external pages that either contain JavaScript/ CSS code that doesn't run properly when fetched via Ajax"
This is what to do...
rel="#default|containerid|#iframe": For each tab link that should reveal content when clicked on, add a "rel" attribute inside its link tag with one of three possible values: "#default", id_of_container_div, or "#iframe". This in combination with the link's href attribute determines what external file to fetch, and how to display it. Most commonly you'll be using containerid, which corresponds to the ID of the container DIV on the page in which to load the Ajax fetched content (see Step 2 below). "#default" and "#iframe" on the other hand are both special keywords. "#default" causes the tab to show no external content but instead what's embedded directly inside the container DIV, while #iframe causes the tab to show its content inside an IFRAME tag instead of via Ajax.
I got a little lost in your explanation of how to implement the use of the iframe. Regardless of that, I don't see how an iframe will actually help with this problem. To explain this a little better, I have a custom vBulletin "powered" page as my home page. I have implemented the ajax tabs into that page. Currently, I can display content in the ajax container, from html, php, css, xml and even a few made up extensions, by direct linking of the tab to the external file. Pages with code that isn't javascript will display, but the javascript fails.