Originally Posted by DiesellMinded
- Better Search Engine , that leaves out signatures
-  - Goes right to your last post in the thread
- Thanks Mod Installed , Installed Posts removed from the threads , The threads are just for posting issues or problems or suggestions
- Bigger emphases on Making Donations To Coders , Donation bar on the thread
- Have a forum to post about Paid Mods
- Prompt once a month to verify what version vb your running and have it show on post bit
- Have a forum for people to post there forum and add rates so we can help each other out on forums who we can benefit from
- Have a panel of the best coders and a support ticket system , vb.com's answer to everything is "Complete Reinstall" where as the coders here are able to pin point the issues on modded boards
1. Very unlikely, we dont have the time (or access) to install other search systems.
2. Hmm, I quite like that, I may look into it at some point.
3. Sorry, we wont be installing the thanks mod.
4. This site is not about making money, be it by donations or otherwise.
5. See answer 4. Not planned atm.
6. Many members have multiple forums, on different versions, so Im not sure they would appreciate this.
7. Sadly, this would quickly turn into spam your forum, and little else.
8. We have advisors, and are always looking for more. I cant see us having a ticket system.
You need to remember that no only do members give their time here free of charge, but so do the staff. No one gets paid to help out here, so you cannot expect things like ticket systems, and lots of functionality changes.