Originally Posted by tldagent
URLS are correct. I have Flashchat version 5 and vbulletin 3.7.+. I'll PM you!
According to your PMyour using a pre-3.6x version of the whochat.php which I just noticed.
Please try my mod again with this newer version that was updated for 3.6x with some new settings.
Here are some of the new code settings you must input correctly:
// ## Altered version for 3.6x FlashChat Combo-Mod September, 2007
// ## Paul M - Flashchat - Who is in the chat v3.05 ## //
// ## Hack parameters ## //
$showbots = true; // Change to false if you don't want Bots to show online //
$fcfolder = 'chat'; // The folder name where your flashchat installation is located //
$GLOBALS['fc_config_stop'] = true;
$root = '/home/www/your_root_dir/'; //Change it to the Path of your root directoryr
require_once( $root . $fcfolder . "/inc/config.php");
require_once( $root . $fcfolder . "/inc/config.srv.php");
Again, the version of whochat.php that your using is for vb3.5x Please update your whochat.php with the one attached and report back here please. This new version works with vb3.7x as well.