Originally Posted by soundbarrierpro
you missed this part ending my paraphrase
"In essence they are two completely different mods re-written off the same base model."
Same script, completely re-written to be secure, bi-laterally functional and 10x the operational enhancements for full vbulletin integration and compatibility.
vBTube 1.2.9 (CSRF protection added)
Basically the original was retro-fitted, (same script modified) only to work as was originally intended. As a youtube API browser for vbulletin.
Neither of these scripts is supported by the original developer, nor does the original developer care they were re-written. Neither broke any rules. One hot-rodded the script and the other took off only supporting it's elemental development. They are their own mods. 
But the New Developpers Can Take in Consideration that Both Mods Overwrite Each Other and Solve that Problem. The Problem is not the Previous Developper, the Problem is Caused by the New Developpers that Share Template Names and that Share the Same Name for the Installed Mod in the Boards, so both Products can't Work on the same Board. TERRIBLE FOR THE FINAL USER, that have to Choose one of them. In My Case I've Chose the Other Mod, but would like to Use this one too.
In Small Words, Correct the Problem and make the Product Compatible with the other One, or Simply Release a Second Version of this Mod that can Work in the same Board with the other Mod without Affecting it. That Is The SOLUTION.
I won't discuss more this. I Hope for a Solution. Less Words and More Solving that Incompatibility Issue.
My Best Regards.