Originally Posted by butler312
That isn't a bad system, but I have had problems with that in the past as well. Oftentimes there will be groups of inactive players that make it painful to move up the ladder. Some programs have it set so if a player doesn't respond within 3 days or something, then they lose the match, but new players don't really like to have to wait 6 or 9 days sometimes to move up far enough so they are challenging active players. There would have to be a counter to this as well.
My system monitors inactivity as well, all admin set. So if a challenge remains un-responded to after X amount of days/hours, it is deleted (auto-forfeits do not bode well with players) Any unconfirmed match results, are always flagged, and addressed by the ladder staff.
The key issue is, as great a mod as this might be for many communities, it is not FOR every community. Ladders are time intensive and require high management skills, as well as a dedicated userbase.
Users can be fed up with a limited ladder very fast. I can only hope no one is considering using this on a live board anytime soon. It has great potential, and would only be hampered by people rushing into it too fast.