Originally Posted by dlan
Ok, so i tried to use a test item the Thunderfury. See what happens... the wowhead is psychic :P so it finds and returns the data even when you don't enter the complete correct item name. For example try 'Thunderfury' instead of 'Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker'.
But the initial select sql command you run to check if it's been cached doesn't work that way. It checks for the exact name, so it tries to re-cache it. BOOM error.
I'm probably wrong on the reason there is the error but something is wrong.
EDIT: For now i added a condition before saving the item that checks the name to be the exact. But look into it sweede. Great job!
Initial post:
[s]Even though i see the item on the database it tries to add it again. Seems like the caching doesn't work for me.
I made 'id' the primary key because i only care about one language (english) and that should make things easier.[/s]
Wowhead.com defaults to searching for an item when it can't find the name in the URL and returns the closest match, if any. Some items are so unique that you can pretty much shorthand them, such as the Thunderfury.
It may be possible to create something like a "also known as" field and do a quick look there also, but that may cause way more problems than it will solve.
i'll sleep on it and see if i cant think of a better method, or if anyone has one to suggest.