Originally Posted by ezurick
I am not sure why people are constantly posting to this thread since it appears the hack is dead.
If you want an awesome working and fully supported classified/auction program for vb, consider vbclassified ( www.vbclassified.com). It has everything needed and the author is great for supporting.
I have contacted the coder (Blaine0002) and he has appologetically stated that he is extremely busy at present and will update this and his other Mods as soon as he possibly can.
I would like to see the auction format of that vBclassifieds, But I can't see a 'live' auction anywhere. I would also like to see a full list of everythng that this software/addon does and is capable of. I also would like to know if I can and if it is easy to disable features that I don't want. (ie, the comments box on the bottom).
I have also emailed the author of vbclassifieds.