Originally Posted by lord eriol
- if I disable users to use BBcode, and assign default text color to groups (from usergroup permissions), inside chatbox the bbcode aren't translated, in other words I see date/time - user [ color = X] message [ /color ].
to obtain colored text I MUST abilitate users to use BBcode, but if you set this, ALL options of text formatting are available to users (font, size, etc.)
In my forum I want that users can choose ONLY color (and if possible, in a easy way... user cp/option is not much friendly), no other text formatting options... hoping for a fix soon here (or other way to solve)
You can activate only the color selection to users.
You have to activate the bbcode for user formatting and then there is another option with checkboxes to select which formatting options they have.
Originally Posted by lord eriol
- some commands seems doesn't function
I have abilitated all commands from admin cp, and set user permissions (admin can use all)
but in chat box some command doesn't function properly
/ me command don't cause any output on chat
/pm username message, say that user not exist (i cheched double spelling and case)
not tried others commands for now
edit: /del all is ok
/ me is ok now! But i must abilitate this command for Registered Users too to use it... if i abilitate admin ONLY, admin cant'use it! Why?
/pm don't function, get ever same error "l'utiliseteur no existe pas" (admin and registered user are abilitated to use it)
You only set admin to be able to use the me command and that doesn't work ? I did tested like that when developping the chatbox and I remember it was working.
Is admin the main usergroup for you ?
For the pm command, I think you have misused it, check the syntax in the chatbox help or use directly the PM sending feature in the little menu near each chat.
Originally Posted by lord eriol
- Order of smilies
if I set order of smilies "as from admin panel order" i get random order instead...
only if I set NO on "same admin panel order", i get first X smilies ORDERED as is in admin panel (X is the numbers of smilies that show directly on chatbox clicking on smilie button), but clicking on "more"... others smilies seems random (not same order as admin panel order anyway)
I haven't understand the first part of your sentence.
The more windows doesn't take into account the option of the acp. Really should ?
Originally Posted by lord eriol
- refreshing time
i just don't understand what is that 30 sec defaut value for refreshing... what that mean? (i set 10 seconds here, but i'm worried about server load)
Don't worry with 10 seconds your server load won't explode with the last version of the chatbox