Originally Posted by Ville
Is there a way to hide the "general" chat entirely, or from a specific user group? I'd like to give a specific user group access to a specific channel only. In other words, I wouldn't want that user group to see the "general" chat at all.
There could be another channel set up for all users to see, so the "general" chat could be technically hidden from everyone if it were possible to assign a default channel per user group.
Currently no, it's not possible without code modification. I will work on it only if more than one user are interested
Originally Posted by Gamempire
the chat doesn't work anymore...it say always "Loading..."
if i write something, it refresh the table on mysql but it doesn't display nothing, and it say always "Loading..."
what can i do?
When did it stop working ? After upgrade ?
Have you tried refreshing your browser cache ?
Originally Posted by Ky Kiske
My advice is downgrade to 0.5.0. It's less buggy. I had this problem and just downgraded.
Excuse me buddy but it's not very constructive to act that way !
Downgrading stop your problems perhaps but doesn't help finding out what's wrong in the current version.
Originally Posted by yeku
Problem with the letter ? and accents...
What can I do?
Do you have the same problems in the other ajax features of vBulletin ? (perhaps you haven't ajax activated in the other part of your forum like quick edit or quick reply ?)
Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
I'm not sure if it's discussed before but banned user can still send messages untill he refreshes the page.
Hum really ? I'll add this to the bug list then thank you for reporting it.