Graet idea for a mod - YOU SHOULD HAVE SEARCHED bitton
So on my forum the members get pissy about guys not using the search button.
Too many questions about the same stuff that has always been talked about clutters up the forum.
We started a new forum based on the suggestion of a few soild members that is basically a dump. The sub foum is called "You Should Have Searched First" . This is where all the obviously redundent questions go.
The problem is, admin and moderators end up looking like the bad guys when we send the threads to this forum.
So, how about we make a mod that allows us to let the members get involved.
Create a button that is actually called "You Should Have Searched First"
The button gets located right next to the post reply button, or somewhere easy to find on the original thread. SImilar to the "Report Thread" button but it works a bit differently.
Members can click this button when they feel that the thread is redundant and the OP should have searched before posting.
A few things might happen when this button is clicked. All of which we can set the variables to on the admin side.
If it is clicked X amount of times it sends the OP a PM letting him know that X amount of people have clicked the button.
If it is clicked XX amount of times, the thread automatically gets moved in to a new forum, decided by admin.
Perhpas the should be more options but these aer all I can think of right now.
Anyone want to take this on?