Why is it Vbulletin doesnt have a sweet shop add on like IPB???
Seriously if VB had that it would make it 10 times better then IPB. But it doesnt and it makes lead towards IPB.
I was wondering if anyone could make one...
Like VB has shops but it doesnt have things to buy like IPB does:
Pin/Unpin a Topic
Use this item to pin an unpinned topic or unpin a pinned topic.
Change Your Login Name
Change your your login name with this item
change your display name
Change your display name with this item.
Send a Postcard
Send a postcard to someone.
Change Other Photo
Change other people's photos.
Unban a Member
Use this item to temp. unban a member
Become premium member
Changes your membership to premium member
Steal Money
Use this item to steal money from people. Fail and you lose twice the amount you tried.
Also the way its setup up is really nice:
Personal Links
? Credits: $0
? Inventory
? Receipts
? Reward Logs
? Fee Logs
? Regular Wages
Browse Items
? List All Items
? Personal Use Items
? Others Edit Items
? Fun items
? Bank
? Sent credits
? Manage Bank Accounts
? Make a Bank Account