Originally Posted by abrecher
Where exacty would I out "$post[is_thread_starter]" if I use postbit_legacy please ?
$post[is_thread_starter] would be either true or false to let you know if the current post that is being displayed was posted by the thread starter. So you could do something like this: (find the class="tborder" in the first table in postbit_legacy and change it to this)
class="tborder<if condition="$post['is_thread_starter']"> threadstarter</if>"
What this will do is add the 'threadstarter' class to the table. Then you can style it as you wish with CSS.
If you're not comfortable with CSS, try this to see if things are working:
At the very top of postbit_legacy:
<if condition="$post['is_thread_starter']"><div style="border:5px solid black;"></if>
At the very bottom of postbit_legacy:
<if condition="$post['is_thread_starter']"></div></if>
That should give you a black border around all the threadstarter's posts.