Originally Posted by inciarco
This Mod Should Complement the Mod " vBTube 1.2.9 (CSRF protection added)" and Not to Compete with it; When Trying to Install this Mod having installed the other, this Mod Overwrites the other Mod, wich I don't think is right; which Mod was first? the Two Coders should Know, but I think one of the Two Coders Should Change the Names of the Templates and Files so that Both Mods could Work on the same Forum.
I have Installed " vBTube 1.2.9 (CSRF protection added)" is Good for Atracting Traffic that is searching for Videos, but would be Nice to Use this other Mod to Allow Users to Present the Videos they Like the Most; until this Mod can " Share" the Space with the Other, that won't be Possible and Users Should Choose one or the other. I don't think that's Nice.
My Best Regards.

vbtubePRO is a rewrite of the extinct (at that time vbtube) which was trashed by vbulletin.org because of several exploits and virus issues.
vbtubePRO took that code and fixed it and renamed it after it was completely abandoned. These two do not compliment eachother because vbtubePRO is actually the successor and fully functional "NON EXPLOIT" script.
Somebody else brought back the old vbtube standard by themselves and fixed the exploit far after the more superb "vbtubePRO" was rewritten and submitted for live use.
vbtube CSRF protection added isn't anywhere near the same script. It's not even remotely close to the vbtubePRO lite script as well.
In essence they are two completely different mods re-written off the same base model.