Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing
yes, the user ID along with username needs to go away. it takes twice the time to create a tournament. besides...users are too incompetent to know what their id is, and how to find it.
it enables tournament moderators to add users which don't exist, but i will probably change it
Originally Posted by Reinhart
Not to sound ungrateful or greedy...
But is there an update coming with any of these suggestions implemented?
yes soonish
Originally Posted by KHALIK
also will there be a feature to correct any mistakes, Example, wrong player put forward to the next round as an error.
Can I not just delete him and redo it again?
The popup confirmation is meant to stop mistakes but I'll probably add this feature soon
Originally Posted by john102774
Question regarding Custom Score Type for LMS Tournaments: For the LMS Tourney, ex. A Race determine by best lap time.
Is there a way to set winner to be the person with the fastest time instead of showing the winner who has the highest number?
At the moment no, i'll try and add it in.
Originally Posted by john102774
Also on the 1v1, how do you add scores once a match is complete and the player advances to the next round?
Thats all for now. Thanks again! 
You need to have usergroup permissions to edit tournaments and then you will see [>] next to players name to progress them to next round