This is just hilarious. Even if you abhor the browser and want nothing to do with it, why would you block traffic to your site by using this? It's amazing that any of you have any measure of success with your sites at all.
What the OP is doing here is nothing short of delivering disinformation about what is otherwise a great addition to the "browser wars". Fear-mongering, short-sighted and laughable. Before you have a tin-foil-hatgasm, look into it for yourself rather than letting some random article or uneducated mental midget tell you what to think.
Is everyone really that terrified of a browser that reports 2 percent of it's usage statistics,
if you have the option for it to do so turned on? Seriously. Doesn't Firefox have this exact same option?
As far as blocking it for rendering/style reasons... It's WebKit. Same thing they use in Safari... So unless you're blocking all the Safari users too, I don't see the point. I have an idea... Check and see for yourself. Everything looks fine. This isn't Internet Explorer 5.