well heres the thing if you sign-up / register for any part of my site you are given a id number, Exsample the second account to sign-up is now account number 2
so on the ladders the profile link is
and on the vbulletin the profile link is
and I know I change the link in the html.php to say
but that will take all members to profile number 2 when they click the "My Profile" link
what I am trying to do is find a url I can put in place of
[<a href='./manager.php'
so that no matter witch member clicks "My Profile" it will automaticly take them to thier own profile.
or if someone is looking at the ladders and clicks a members name it will just automaticly take them to that users vbulletin profile (account number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ect...)
I thought i would just be
[<a href='./f/manager.php?='
but i am evidently wrong!