Originally Posted by aztecboi2003
My Break and daily motion are not working. I have just the white boxes where they should be. I'm using 2.0.2
If those are add-on definitions, give the author a shout. Since version 2, ame hasnt supported daily motion or break as those are supported by add on authors.
Originally Posted by directprint
Was running the old version on 3.6 even after upgrade to 3.7.3, then decided it was time to upgrade to 2.0.2, didn't want to try the beta in case it broke things. I am running on a IIS server.
Tried the beta as well, it removed the code I am seeing in ACP, but when trying to rebuild everything the page just goes blank and doe's nothing.
Thanks for this. Sounds like the problem with the version 2 was that a php tag (Around line 80) was just <? but it should have been <?php as some installations are touchy about this.
The problem with the rebuild in the beta was reported yesterday and I am working on the solution which should be availible over the next couple of days (when I get back home)