Originally Posted by King Kovifor
What error message do you receive? And I see no reason why the modification would not allow you to request a username if it isn't there. Has there been a name that was originally that?
When a User Asks for a New Username1 and I Approve it, and then Asks for a New Change to Username2, the Username1 isn't Available Any More even if it's Free. All the Times I Get the Error Message from the Mod "Rule Violation: The username that you have submitted violates one of the Username Rules that the administrator has specified.", I've just tried it one more time with an Old Appreoved and Changed Username with this Mod on my Forums and that's the Error Message the Mod Displays, so the Usernames Once Used the Mod Never Allows them to be Used Again; there should be something on the Code; you should be Checking for All Usernames in the History of the Usernames Requests, and what you Should be Really Looking for are the Current and Not Yet Approved/Rejected Usernames.
My Best Regards.