I think everyone here spends too much time on the computer. I stay away from computers when I can help it these days and let me tell you I enjoy the time I spend working on them a lot more because of it. That said I got two laptops and two desktops here, writing a paper on one, encoding on one, fixing another, and posting this with the fourth. ^^
Anyway I've never felt like I've been treated "poorly" by users. I have felt like some of the users can't think for themselves though! Imagine spending two weeks working on something and releasing it only to get a reply like;
"It doesn't work! Help me!".
I can not help this person. I have no idea why it's not working, what they may have screwed up during installation, if it's user error or a bug in my code... Users rarely post good replies when asking for help, they rarely make good bug reports, they seem to expect us coders to be able to read their minds...well we can't!
Some have been outright rude to me in the past of course so I just stop giving support to people like that and they seem to take the hint in time.
There are some people here that are "coders" that act like they have some kind of god-complex going on. Like the rude users they are the rarity not the rule.
Anyway like I said you all spend too much time on the PC. Get a hobby outside of it or a girlfriend or something. Hell have some kids! I'm sure you'll appreciate your online time a lot more after you have a few little versions of you running around the house.