Originally Posted by Lynne
I try to help out most people, but sometimes my help consists of telling them the search criteria - search "thisterm" "all mods" "titles only". I do that so that they can help themselves to find the answer, not because I'm trying to be mean or anything. I used to just post the link to the mod, but would then be told "oh, but I'm on 3.5" or "oh, but I want it to do *that* also." How was I to know if they don't say? So, now I do a quick search to make sure my search terms give results, then I post my standard search answer.
I'm glad people find the help they want through PMing you, but I wonder have you ever searched out their original post for help? Did you notice anything about the post that would explain the lack of help they got or did you think the responses given were unhelpful?
This has Nothing to do with ME , Im glad i could help but i dont need any recognition of that .. It was stated to make a point . The Time it takes to get them help is balanced mentally with how much will it help them and if i can help them .
The "Whats in it for me" is a flawed Culture , Anything gained is positive encouragement to repeat the task for others
Based only on Your Comment here on this thread and the fact that earlier as soon as i posted it you read it and left
Your a Great person willing to help others but are not empowered , You shouldn't have to go to such an extent to help , instead your superiors should empower you the tools you need to complete your tasks in the best possible way , And by doing this the Members , You and the Powers At be will Progress . Its Easy to think of ways to make your example easier to complete ,
*Suggestion : Simply a Prompt once per month when we log in to verify what version of Vbulletin were running and having it display in postbit where "Design" is now because No one uses that anyway .
Theres many many more ways you can be empowered , Instead of Getting Burned out and going though so much to help have you considered asking for changes to make what you do so good easier , Always give reasons why
Thank You for your Service Here :up: