Originally Posted by C Braithwaite
I am using the mail feature that vb provides - in earlier versions, i was using the mailqueue but inserting it directly as the vbmail function doesn't allow for html. I have however overcome this problem, and now use the vbmail fully now in my latest version.
The reason i didn't add a switch, was because i didn't see the need to do so. if you are not using the bouncing system, there is no harm in the emails having the headers in, and i would never advise not to use the bouncing system anyway, as this mod generates a LOT of emails, which some servers may consider spam if a lot of your emails are bouncing.
and finally - it will be possible shortly to use the $username variables in the subject. i am currently developing the mod for vbulletin 3.7x and once that is working i will convert it to 3.6x for you.
thanks for your reply.
1) Great, i didn't saw that.
2) Some mail providers doesn't like extra headers like the one used for bouncing, (eg hotmail, and may ban your domain for it), that's why i asked you to create a switch.
anyway, i've removed it temporally from the plugin file
i'm waiting yout next version

, in the meantime i'm trying to integrate ez bouncing mail sistem to yout hack
thanks again