Hi, I wonder how this works:
Local Hosted Videos
For videos uploaded to your site, you need these Media Definitions. These XML files need to be edited, either in the AME CP or in an HTML Editor. Look for YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE and change it to the domain name of your site. Do not include .com, .net, .de, .co.uk or anything like that. So, for example, if your site is www.cogonline.net, then you'd change YOUR_SITE_NAME_HERE to cogonline. This DOES NOT embed attachments.
DIVX (.DIVX Extentions)
MP3 (.MP3 Extentions)
QuickTime (.MOV Extentions)
RealMedia (.RM & .RAM Extentions)
Flash (.SWF Extentions)
Windows Media Videos (.WMV Extention)
If i want to add a flash video, what should i do? just past the address where the video is located in my site or?
for example:
http://www.xxxx.com/videos/video1.flv??? (<--- fake adress)help!!!