Originally Posted by tpearl5
Okay, a couple things:
- I setup a usergroup for 'bounced emails' - when setting the plugin to move users with bounced e-mails to this group, it does not save.
- The stats page has two rows for 'emails sent' and three for 'bounced emails'
I had both these problems. It did eventually saved though.
Unfortunately, I'm still getting the problem where it sends multiple emails. Have double and triple checked and I'm using the 1.2.8 version.
I have a feeling it might be the way you are sending the messages. How exactly are you starting the mail send? I have a very large board. So I get the feeling that as multiple users visit the site, they are in fact all getting the same set of emails and initiating the same send. I think a cronjob or something similar would be much more effective.